
Crests & Logos

Crests and logos enhance the appearance of all our cast iron ended seat and bench designs, as well as making the items more individual and identifiable.

The two types of cast plaques we offer are a traditional way of personalising cast iron items and are robust and durable options.

All of our cast iron ended seats and benches have a 130mm diameter plaque space available in each end frame.

Cast Iron Plaques

Cast Iron Plaques

Georgian and Victorian designs can be supplied with cast iron plaques depicting the current year for a small additional charge. Grafton seats and benches are supplied as standard with current year plaques at no additional cost. Some other previous years are also available. Alternative designs or customer’s own crests or logos cannot normally be supplied in cast iron due to the cost of small production runs.


After the castings are painted the date can be highlighted by hand in gold, silver or any B.S. or RAL colour at a small additional cost.

Cast Bronze Plaques

Cast Bronze Plaques

These plaques are cast in solid bronze, and after stove enamelling have the top surfaces machined off. They are then stove enamelled in a clear lacquer. The images are very clear, attractive and are durable. Alternative dates and customer’s own crests or logos can be supplied, even for a single seat, in this material. Three costs are incurred: design work, manufacturing and fixing costs, and highlighting.

If you'd like more information please fill in the form at the bottom of this page, call us on: 01639 845394 or click here to email us.
Design work

Design work

Artwork is scanned and sized to best fit the plaque using a computer, so this cost is not great. If clear black on white artwork is provided this cost is further reduced. Design work costs only occur once; subsequent orders for identical plaques incur no further charges. We recommend the use of simple logos as these have the greatest visual impact.

Manufacturing and fixing.

Manufacturing and fixing.

After manufacture the bronze plaques are fixed into the seat frames. They are glued and screwed to a flat landing cast or welded into the frames from the rear so no fixings are visible. Manufacturing and fixing costs remain at the same cost per unit however many units are ordered, so there is no substantial cost dysfunction to having a small number of units with a cast bronze plaque.



The way these plaques are machined and lacquered means that in most instances highlighting is not required. However, if required, logos can be highlighted by hand in any B.S. or RAL colour at additional cost. Simple logos highlighted in one colour are inexpensive: complex crests in several colours take much longer for our skilled craftsmen to do and so cost considerably more.